Wednesday 6 October 2010

A Picture For You #2: Ethan Weasley

This is Ethan Bradley, one of my good friends at 6th Form and a funny guy. I have taken this image of him and reproduced him as Ron Weasley or Ethan Weasley. To the Left is the original picture.

And here is Ethan Weasley! I wasn't happy with this picture looking back because his face looks a tad big, i'm not sure why it happened but despite his 'larger than life' face i was happy with the way this one came out.

Thanks for reading :)

A Picture For You #1: Mer-Hulk

So this is Mer-Hulk, 10x more terrifying than a Great White Shark and much more likely to eat you alive, i'm sorry for the poor quality of this image, it was a picture i did for a mate and i did a rush job!
I'll be getting more out soon and hopefully not quite so angry looking as this one :)
Cheers guys

Hallo thar

Hello those of you who have taken the time to read this short post, my name is Cringle. Well, that's more of a nickname really, my real name is Chris which is why i'm sometimes called Cringle but hey you guys are smart you've probably already figured that one out!
Basically this blog is just about me really, I don't really know what to tell you right now because i'm not all that sure why i started this blog, i'll just go along and see what happens i guess.
So, thats all, thanks for reading and i hope to post something decent soon!
<---(this is me with the glasses, classey aye?)